
Dr. Neetu K. Sodhi and her team believe in the value of integrative medicine in supporting your optimal health. Her practice, Bloom Obstetrics and Gynecology, serves the women of Tarzana, CA, the San Fernando Valley as well as the greater Los Angeles area.

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Ayurvedic supplements for weight management & maintenance include:


This unique herbal blend supports metabolism with unique plant compounds known to aid the natural breakdown of food energy sources. It is not meant to replace diet and exercise regimens, but rather, to boost its effects.



This unique herbal blends helps support normal blood glucose levels. It features Bitter Melon and Turmeric, which support the pancreas and digestion to balance energy needs with sugar storage.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, developed over 3,000 years ago in India, is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. It’s based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment and yogic breathing. It’s focus is largely preventative, to promote good health, not fight disease; but, treatments may be geared towards specific health problems.

Ayurvedic herbs are a key component of ayurveda. In general, practitioners use herbs to cleanse the body, boost defence against disease, and keep the mind, body and spirit in balance.

Ayurveda uses well-balanced combinations of plants in synergistic formulas. The art of combining is based on strict principles. Many of the herbs influence health in more than one way. The main ingredient is the herb the action of which is closest to the required treatment result. Some of the other herbs enhance desired action while others are added to help their assimilation by means of stimulating digestion. Certain herbs stimulate cleansing processes so there is to be no accumulation of toxins.

Dr. Sodhi and her team have chosen to offer ayurvedic herbal supplements at Bloom Obstetrics and Gynecology as they are both supplementary and complementary to modern medicine in helping boost optimal health.

Why Himalaya?

We carry Himalaya ayurvedic products at Bloom Obstetrics and Gynecology because they are a highly reputable, 85 year old company, offering clinically-studied herbal formulations, certified USDA organic single herbs, and a full line of body care products. Integrating the principles of traditional medicine with modern science, Himalaya is a worldwide pioneer in the field of scientifically validated herbal healthcare.

The health benefits of all of their herbal formulas and standalone solo herbs have been tested with product-specific, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trials prior to production.

Their commitment Ayurvedic principles, and research to produce natural, safe, and effective health products is driven by their soul mission, which is to help individual people maintain a healthy, long, and high-quality of life.

Himalaya has conducted over 1,200 clinical studies, many of which have been published in numerous, highly-regarded medical journals including The European Journal of Pharmacology, Phytotherapy Research, The Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism, and JAMA, India.